CSR and Climate Change: Between Growing Public Expectations and a Lack of Global Response
Editors – College of Law & Business, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel
In July 2014, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and the College for Law & Business (CLB) organized a joint symposium on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its connection to the global phenomenon of Climate Change. The symposium focused on the rights and obligations as well as voluntary steps of corporations in order to adapt to climate change on the one hand, and to mitigate further global warming on the other hand. Corporate executives, leading academic researchers and committed regulators from Germany and Israel discussed the role of corporations who find themselves between growing public expectations and a lack of a global climate policy. The question of social responsibility of corporations was examined from a political, academic and economic perspective.
For further information on the symposium content please follow the link.
Due to the success of the symposium, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and CLB decided to issue a special position paper on the topic of the symposium, giving interested readers an opportunity to deepen their knowledge on climate change and CSR and further relate to it in their respective institutions.
Therefore, we call upon the symposium participants and other interested contributors to send us an abstract on their suggested contribution following these guidelines:
The call is open for corporation’s executives (presenting their corporate approach as a case study to the topic), private consultants, NGO, think tank and academia representatives as well as governmental officials.
- Corporation’s contributions should include answers to the following questions:
- What is the overall strategy of your corporations in regards to climate change?
- Why did your corporation decide to tackle the issue? Please provide a preview on the main motivations.
- What are your future plans in regards to climate change?
- Please provide the link to the relevant additional information from your internet site (only if in English).
- NGO/think tank/academia representatives should include answers to the following questions:
- What is the nature of your institution work in regards to climate change?
- How does your work relate to the general theme of CSR and corporations?
- How do you see the role of the business sector in tackling climate change? And what are the requested changes that should happen in order to enhance that role?
- Please provide the link to the relevant additional information from your internet site (only if in English).
- The contribution should be submitted in English.
- The length of the paper is to be up to 500 words. Please take notice that the editor is not obligated to include the full text ‘as is’.
- A photo of the writer and the logo of the company/organisation should be attached.
- After closing the submission period, the proposed contributions are to be reviewed by the editors for final selection. Remarks or clarifications might be following the editorial process.
- Dead line for submission is 2014, November 15th.
- The papers are to be sent to: Ms. Daliah Marhoefer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel; Mail: daliah.marhoefer@kas.de
Any additional questions or requests can be directed to the position paper editor, Mr. Liad Ortar at liad.ortar@gmail.com
We are looking forward to your contributions!
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and CLB teams